Nomifensine: A review of its pharmacological properties and therapeutic efficacy in depressive illness
Brogden RN, Heel RC, Speight TM, Avery GS
Drugs 1979 Jul; 18(1):1-24
ABSTRACTNomifensine is a tetrahydoisoquinoline antidepressant which is chemically unrelated to the tricyclic or tetracyclic antidepressants, the monoamine oxidase inhibitors or the recently introduced agents. Nomifensine resembles the tricyclic antidepressants in many of its pharmacological effects in animal models of depressive illness, but differs from them in that it strongly inhibits the re-uptake of dopamine as well as noradrenaline and is a relatively weak inhibitor of serotonin uptake. It has an overall efficacy comparable with that of imipramine and amitriptyline in depressive illness, but at dosages which have achieved a similar overall clinical improvement, nomifensine causes little or no sedation, fewer and milder anticholinergic side effects, and also appears less likely than these drugs to cause serious cardiotoxicity on overdosage. Nomifensine may aggravate the psychopathology of patients with schizo-affective disorders and intensification of the psychosis may require neuroleptic therapy. Nomifensine also has antianxiety activity, but its role in treating anxiety associated with primary depression has still to be clarified. Nomifensine appears to be well tolerated by the elderly.Dopamine
Nomifensine dependence
Noradrenaline and dopamine
Nomifensine: pharmacokinetics
Nomifensine, noradrenaline and dopamine
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